Spending a day at the beach is always relaxing.  Heading to this South African favourite destination has to be one of the exciting ways to spend the summer holidays. Throngs of holidaymakers and travelers from all over the country converge on this city during December -January to spend their summer vacation. The city of Durban gets an frenzied vibe. During this time I tend to avoid going anywhere near the beaches which always are packed with no place to place your picnic basket and special beach towel specially chosen for the occasion. All the while keeping the lifeguards on the proverbial toes, But as the holidays draw to a close, one can find a spot somewhere on what now looks like a deserted beach albeit for the occasional reluctant bathers still denying the ending of their vacation. The spots I tend to choose are not too close to crowds and not far away from restaurants and amenities. don't want to walk too far should old girl hunger comes calling. Suntan lotion and sunscreen are a must. and I we all set to enjoy a splashy day under the African sun.


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